Become a Coach

Dreaming of becoming a coach in 2024 but not sure where to start?

Do you want to become a coach but feel confused amidst the sea of information and possibilities?

I've been there.

After spending 15 years climbing the corporate ladder in Singapore, I felt unfulfilled, misaligned from my strengths and disconnected from my identity.

I realized I wanted a life where I had the freedom to manage my time and pursue my purpose.

And I knew I had to take bold steps towards not just a career but a lifestyle change.

Through coaching I found my calling and today I live in the tropical paradise island of Mauritius, where I work remotely as a coach-preneur to empower others to live lives of purpose and freedom.

Curious about how I did it and how you can do the same with Academy of Leadership Coaching & NLP (ALCN)? 

Let me guide you through the steps of becoming a coach. But first of all, let’s address some of the common questions I get asked about being a coach.

Frequently Asked Questions About Coaching

  • As a coach, you have the remarkable opportunity to support individuals in achieving their goals while enjoying the freedom and flexibility of self-employment.

  • Coaching is a thriving industry, valued in billions, where coaches serve as personal mentors, guiding individuals towards their aspirations and personal growth. With the increasing recognition of the benefits of personalized support, coaching continues to flourish across various niches.

  • A coach plays a pivotal role in a client's life. As an NLP Somatic coach, you will gain the skills and confidence to help your clients transform from the inside out, so that they can achieve their goals and create the life that they want.

  • Yes, absolutely! By leveraging digital platforms, you can extend your reach globally and work flexibly from the comfort of your home. This approach proved to be my pathway to liberation from the constraints of a corporate job and the uncertainties of offline and online startups.

My Journey from Corporate to CoachPreneur

When I was 37 years old I decided that I wanted to live a life of freedom by the time I hit 40. In less than 5 years I’ve left my 15 year corporate career, uprooted from my home, set up two coaching businesses, moved to a paradise island in the Indian Ocean and am now CEO of ALCN, a global coaching academy focused on creating transformational change.

And it all started based on a decision that I made after realizing how unfulfilled I felt despite having all the modern comforts my cushy 9-5 job afforded me. 

Growing up and living in metropolitan Singapore, I spent my early years chasing the societal blueprint of success - get good grades, get a job, start a family,  buy a home etc. I didn’t stop to question the path and what I actually wanted out of my life. To be honest, it was easier to ignore the feelings of dissatisfaction than to go against the grain of society’s norms.

When I discovered coaching I realized that society’s definition of success was different from mine and through my coaching journey, I was able to step out of my comfort zone and build the courage to take action towards a different path. 

My desire for a different life was the key catalyst for change; but signing up for the ALCN NLP Somatic Coach Certification program was the enabler for a successful transition into coaching. 

There are many coach certification programs available in the market; but I chose the ALCN program because of its unique blend of somatics and NLP; two fields that I was keen to add to my coaching toolkit; and its mission to create conscious change in the world. 

Since then, I’ve applied the ALCN Conscious Change method with several coaching clients and can attest to its effectiveness in helping people through periods of challenging transition and personal transformation. 

Deciding to take a mid career switch was not an easy decision to make, but it was worth it. Becoming a coach and building my coaching businesses have allowed me to leverage my strengths, fulfill my sense of purpose and design a lifestyle of freedom.

How Do You Get Started?

To get started, it's important to gain the skills to effectively coach clients and help them achieve their personal and professional goals. That’s why I chose to be certified with ALCN as an NLP Somatic Coach.

In this program, I learnt the transformative Conscious Change Coaching Method®, a unique blend of the ICF coaching framework with NLP and somatic coaching skills. Through powerful techniques, taught me how to help clients gain clarity, understanding, and inner alignment, which results  in lasting changes across all areas of life. Mastering this model offers a deep understanding of the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual dynamics of lasting transformation, surpassing other coaching approaches.

In addition, ALCN also provides marketing support to launch your business with a 10K marketing plan, and the opportunity for their students to be part of their Global Coach Training Partner team, which I am also part of. This amazing opportunity has allowed me to do the work I love, create conscious change while earning a good income.

Ready to Begin Your Coaching Journey?

Your first step is to identify the right program for yourself. If my story resonates with you, I invite you to book a call with me to find out more about the NLP Somatic Coach certification program. In addition, as a member of my community, you will also get a special 10% discount to help you get started with your program. 

Book a Call to Learn How You Can Become A Coach

About the Academy of Leadership Coaching & NLP (ALCN)

ALCN trains and certifies coaches to create conscious change and facilitate personal transformations from within. Established in 2009 by our founder, Helen Attridge, who developed the Conscious Change Coaching Method® and is one of the pioneering Master Coaches certified by ICF. ALCN is a world-class academy committed to providing the highest level of coaching education that supports individuals from all walks of life and transcends cultural and geographical borders. To date we have graduated over 7500 students from 75 nationalities, making ALCN the coaching institute of choice for global changemakers, leaders and innovators.