The 6 CORE Pillars of the quiet confidence program

Throughout our coaching journey, each of these pillars will intertwine, creating a comprehensive approach to your personal and professional growth. You'll not only discover your purpose and passions but also develop the mindset, skills, and habits needed to confidently navigate challenges and embrace opportunities. We'll optimize your environment for lasting growth, ensuring you achieve meaningful transformation and sustained progress toward your goals. Together, we'll build the quiet confidence that inspires, influences, and creates impact.

#1 Mission: Identify Your Why

  • Purpose Exploration: Explore what truly drives you, uncovering the passions and values that fuel your actions.

  • Goal Alignment: Develop goals that are in sync with your personal mission, ensuring every step you take is purpose-driven and fulfilling.

  • Clarity Creation: Crystalize your purpose into a clear mission statement, guiding your path ahead with unwavering clarity.

#2 Identity: Craft Your Authentic Personal Brand

  • Self-Discovery: Identify your unique qualities and understand what makes you exceptional.

  • Embrace Authenticity: Embrace your authentic self, define and shape your personal brand, ensuring it reflects your true self and resonates powerfully with your audience.

#3 Mindset: Cultivate Empowering Beliefs and Values

  • Identify Limiting Beliefs: Uncover any self-limiting beliefs that have been holding you back, addressing them head-on.

  • Form Empowering Mindsets: Cultivate a positive and growth-oriented mindset that boosts your confidence and resilience.

  • Fear Management: Strategies to face and conquer your fears, empowering you to take on challenges with newfound strength.

#4 Personal Mastery: Harness Emotions, Behaviors, and Habits

  • Emotional Intelligence: Enhance your emotional awareness and help you manage your emotions effectively.

  • Behavioral Change: Strategies to replace unproductive habits with positive actions that align with your aspirations.

  • Action Planning: Create actionable plans that map out your goals and growth journey

#5 Skills: Bridge Skill Gaps and Leverage Strengths

  • Strengths Assessment: Uncover your innate strengths and leverage them as the foundation for skill development.

  • Skill Gap Analysis and Development: Identify areas where you want to grow and bridge the gaps in your skill set.

#6 Environment: Foster Growth-Conducive Surroundings

  • Internal Environment Assessment: Address negative self-talk, building a positive inner dialogue that empowers you.

  • External Environment Evaluation: Evaluate your surroundings, relationships, and influences to ensure they nurture your growth.

  • Boundary Setting: Setting healthy boundaries that protect your time, energy, and focus, ensuring you thrive.


  • 12 x 1 hour 1:1 coaching sessions across 3 months

  • Personal growth roadmap 

  • Activities and exercises to support insights, action and accountability 

  • 5 personality assessments, such as Enneagram and DISC, that help you understand your strengths, behaviors and optimal energy management 

  • 5 day a week Voxer or WhatsApp support during our coaching engagement

  • 6 months access to a Personalized Growth Hub and Daily Coaching Tips 

What to expect after the program

After completing your 3-month QUIETLY CONFIDENT program you can expect a profound and multifaceted transformation in various aspects of your life.

  • Heightened Self-Awareness: Through guided self-reflection exercises and personalized coaching sessions,you will develop a deep understanding of your strengths, values, and areas for growth. This self-awareness serves as the foundation for your journey toward quiet confidence.

  • Enhanced Communication Skills: You will learn to express yourself with clarity and conviction. You will gain the ability to convey your ideas, thoughts, and opinions in a way that resonates with others, leading to more engaging and effective conversations.

  • Confident Presence: As you go through the program, you will notice a shift in your posture, body language, and tone of voice. Your newfound self-assuredness will radiate in your interactions, making you more captivating and influential in both professional and personal settings.

  • Improved Relationship Building: Through strategies provided in the coaching, you will foster deeper connections with colleagues, friends, and family members.You will be better equipped to listen actively, understand others' perspectives, and form meaningful relationships based on mutual respect.

  • Effective Leadership Abilities: You will step into leadership roles with poise and assurance. You’ll learn how to motivate teams, delegate tasks, and provide constructive feedback, fostering a positive and productive work environment.

  • Stress Resilience: You will be equipped with tools to manage stress and anxiety. You will develop the ability to stay composed under pressure, make decisions with clarity, and adapt to challenges in a composed manner.

  • Confident Decision-Making: Through a combination of self-trust, intuition and analytical skills,you will make decisions confidently and decisively. You will embrace calculated risks and demonstrate the courage to pursue opportunities aligned with your goals.

  • Increased Influence: You will notice that your opinions and ideas carry more weight. Your authentic and assured demeanor will naturally attract others to your perspectives, giving you greater influence in meetings, negotiations, and collaborative endeavors.

  • Positive Mindset Shift: Throughout the program, you will experience a shift in yourself-perception. You will replace self-doubt with self-assurance, leading to an overall positive mindset that fuels your motivation to take on challenges and embrace personal growth.

  • Increased Professional Recognition: As a result of your increased confidence, improved communication skills, and enhanced leadership qualities, you may receive more acknowledgment from colleagues, supervisors, and industry peers, potentially leading to promotions and new opportunities.

  • Personal Fulfillment: Beyond the professional realm, you will find that your transformed confidence positively influences your personal life. You will develop a stronger sense of self, enabling you to pursue your passions and maintain healthier relationships.


free disc Assessment

Take the behavioural assessment that reveals your distinct communication style, work preferences, and interpersonal dynamics.

resource centre

Source for inspiration and tips to enhance your confidence and ability to inspire, influence and create impact.

TRY coaching RISK FREE

Explore coaching risk free with the Starter Coaching Package. Get a full refund of your fees when you decide to embark on my flagship Quiet Confidence Program.

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Take this chance to find out how coaching can help you meet your goals.